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Add New Browser

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The new Windows 10 with Microsoft Edge has arrived. I want to ask you, how can I add it to my web browser control? I need it because the actual web browser control doesn't allow JavaScript and CSS3.

Extensions, or add-ons, are simple tools that customize your browser experience and offer you more control. Here's how to find, add, and remove them in Microsoft Edge. To find and add an extension: Open Microsoft Edge. At the top corner of the browser, select Settings and more Extensions Get extensions for Microsoft Edge.

I used to also add Chrome browser with the projects WebKit and Awesomium but they didn't remember the login credentials (I need them for my app) so I have to use I.E. unfortunately.

  1. Click on the toolbar and in the new row specify the browser name, family, and the path to its executable or macOS application. Use a custom profile For Firefox and browsers of the Chrome family, you can use a custom profile.
  2. The Add Notes feature has one major advantage over Snip & Sketch.Add Notes you can expand the size of what you are cutting beyond the size of your own screen using the arrow buttons with your cursor.Snip is limited to only the size of your screen when you expand the clip range outward.I dont like that limitation at all.I used Add Notes a lot.It figures they would get rid of it for something.

Unfortunately it seems that there is currently no way to use Edge in a MS webbrowser control without using third party addons. While the proposed 'solution' to add dword:00002ee1 to FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION causes the webbrowser to (falsely) report Edge/12.9200_AGENT as USER_AGENT, in fact it still uses the Trident engine to render the web content. So it seems that Microsoft had planned to support Edge in webbrowser control but did not get finished and forgot to take out the corresponding Emulation key. You can verify this by browsing to where the webbrowser control scores between 342 and 347 points (the same as IE11), while Edge scores 397 points.


UPDATE As stated in @MartinKasztantowicz' answer, as of now (mid Feb '16) there is no known way to load the real Edge rendering engine.
The following sets the control to report the new user agent but uses the old engine for rendering. It is useful nevertheless for e.g. persuading sites to turn off deprecated IE hacks.

The browser version of System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser is controlled per application by a registry key. If your users are on Windows 10, you can tell the control to loadfake Edge by adding the following key:

Add New Browser To Toolbar

  • For 64bit applications, 32bit only Windows or current user: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION] 'Example.exe'=dword:00002ee1 respectively [HKEY_CURRENT_USER..]
  • For 32bit applications on 64 bit machines (only machine-wide): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION] 'Example.exe'=dword:00002ee1

I just tested, and got the following result… don't know whether there are any values to also report Windows 10: Chrome 60 version download.

Add new browser to windows 10

Unfortunately it seems that there is currently no way to use Edge in a MS webbrowser control without using third party addons. While the proposed 'solution' to add dword:00002ee1 to FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION causes the webbrowser to (falsely) report Edge/12.9200_AGENT as USER_AGENT, in fact it still uses the Trident engine to render the web content. So it seems that Microsoft had planned to support Edge in webbrowser control but did not get finished and forgot to take out the corresponding Emulation key. You can verify this by browsing to where the webbrowser control scores between 342 and 347 points (the same as IE11), while Edge scores 397 points.


UPDATE As stated in @MartinKasztantowicz' answer, as of now (mid Feb '16) there is no known way to load the real Edge rendering engine.
The following sets the control to report the new user agent but uses the old engine for rendering. It is useful nevertheless for e.g. persuading sites to turn off deprecated IE hacks.

The browser version of System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser is controlled per application by a registry key. If your users are on Windows 10, you can tell the control to loadfake Edge by adding the following key:

Add New Browser To Toolbar

  • For 64bit applications, 32bit only Windows or current user: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION] 'Example.exe'=dword:00002ee1 respectively [HKEY_CURRENT_USER..]
  • For 32bit applications on 64 bit machines (only machine-wide): [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainFeatureControlFEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION] 'Example.exe'=dword:00002ee1

I just tested, and got the following result… don't know whether there are any values to also report Windows 10: Chrome 60 version download.


I wish somebody had mentioned this, so I'll add this because it doesn't look like webbrowser control will ever be updated. Portable anonymous browser.

Use the WebView control instead. This uses EdgeHTML rendering engine. This is part of WindowPresentation layer but it is possible to link from WinForms and presumably other apps. You must convert to a UWP app

Example code:

I haven't replaced my WebBrowser with WebView yet, but the interface looks pretty familiar. Chrome google drive offline.


Use JavaFX which uses embedded WebKit engine. Or if you're stuck in .NET then

Add New Browser To Windows 10

Tags: browser

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